Light at the Centre The GMR ENLIGHTS Solutions for Lighting up Sport
Sistema ottico : Reflexa Applicazioni : Palestre , strutture pressostatiche , interni di impianti sportivi
Hibra è un apparecchio high bay modulare e flessibile , ideale per l ’ illuminazione di palestre , strutture pressostatiche e interni di impianti sportivi . È disponibile in otto geometrie e combinazioni ed in versione a parete ( Hibra Wall ). Hibra si presta ad una molteplicità di soluzioni installative , in funzione del supporto di ancoraggio .
Our growth in the sports lighting sector began with this precise input : developing a range of solutions for sports facilities and fields around the quality of light . The quality of light and its distribution on field are the elements that transform every game into a match , generating the perfect alchemy between players , referees , and spectators . In a historical moment like this , when the audience ’ s involvement and the emotions of the competition are increasingly filtered through television broadcasts , the perfection of the vision is even more important . Following a long process of design and construction choices , supported by continuous photometric and laboratory tests , our range of professional projectors for the lighting of indoor and outdoor sports facilities has become a reality .
Thought to see clearly . Designed for effective lighting . We studied the right light to illuminate different types of sports fields and designed it , modelling high performance optical systems and a range of optics specifically dedicated to sports . Designed to comply with the parameters
required by the sports federations , our projectors fulfil the needs of stadiums hosting international HDTV events , with 4K and super-slow motion shootings . They succeed in providing the camera with the real colour of the scene , thanks to the accurate selection of LED sources with high TLCI index , colour rendering greater than 90 , and colour consistency ≤ 3 step MacAdam . For the visual comfort of players , referees , and spectators in presence , GMR ENLIGHTS has developed two optical technologies aimed at controlling glare at high illuminance . Thanks to the quality of the materials and components , Glassed and Reflexa , respectively refractive and reflective optical systems , minimise the dotted effect of the LED source and achieve high efficiency values . Together with the wide range of available optics and the flexibility of installation solutions , the efficiency of the optical systems is one of the elements that allow our luminaires to effectively illuminate each individual project . The luminous flux is distributed only where necessary , minimizing the number of products installed with a considerable
Optical system : Reflexa Applications : Gyms , pressostatic structures , sports facility interiors
Hibra is a modular and flexible high bay luminaire , ideal for lighting gyms , pressostatic structures , and sports facility interiors . It is available in eight geometries and combinations , as well as a wall version ( Hibra Wall ). Hibra lends itself to a multitude of installation solutions , depending on the mounting bracket .
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