LUCE 319 | Page 28

Carlotta de Bevilacqua + Paola di Arianello, Empatia, lampada da tavolo. Empatia nasce dal connubio tra la grande tradizione del vetro soffiato e la LED technology di Artemide / Carlotta de Bevilacqua + Paola di Arianello, Empatia, table lamp. Empatia is inspired by the association between the great glass-blowing tradition and the LED technology of Artemide. anticipated a new way of designing lighting with particular attention to the wellbeing of people. Has progress been made in light-health ? I have always considered man at the centre of a project. Starting from the 90s, with Artemide and the Metamorfosi project, we started to work with coloured light and then with white colour temperatures, studying their important psychological and physiological influence. Today, thanks to LED technology, we have greater possibilities of controlling quality. We can select the emitted frequencies and electronics allow us to carry out a precise and punctual management, with great freedom and flexibility in real-time interaction. This possibility of evolved interaction leads to an increasing freedom for each one to modify his own scenarios in an active,