JUSTIN BEIBER Are you kidding ? Of course I can .
He does another stellar dance move into an infinity flip that propels him into the sky . He grows smaller and smaller until he disappears in a twinkle .
KENNY Where ' d he go ?
KEEF I think he ' s in heaven now .
KENNY Aww , man . He was pretty cool .
JERROD Let ' s go brothers .
They run inside the building . INT . TIDAL HEADQUARTERS - LOBBY - CONTINUOUS
As they throw open the doors , they spot a tall , long haired woman surrounded by assistants . She turns .
Mariah ?
MARIAH CAREY looks at them half smiling , half puzzled .
MARIAH Do I know you ?
KEEF We ' re the Lucas Bros .
MARIAH Lucas Bros ?
Mariah lets out a high pitched wail . Glowing white light comes out of her eyes and mouth .
MARIAH ( ghost voice ) Kanye belongs to us now .
The force of her high notes is like a gail force wind . They try to hold on to furniture . The assistants are blown away .
KENNY Man , that note sure is high . How do we stop her ?