Lubezine Volume 8 * NOVEMBER 2013 - JANUARY 2014 | Page 3

W W W . L U B E S A F R I C A . C O M CONTENTS VO L 8 DECEMBER 2013-JANUARY 2014 N E W S • I N D U S T R Y U P D AT E • N E W P R O D U C T S • T E C H N O L O G Y • C O M M E N TA R Y 18 | COVER FEATURE HOW A COST-EFFICIENT OIL ANALYSIS PROGRAMME CAN PROLONG TRANSFORMER LIFE INSIDE REGULARS 12 | 2 | 4-6 | GLOBAL MARKET FEATURE Smaller players claim more of the global lubricants market turf 14 | MAINTENANCE FEATURE Lubricant oil analysis as a Condition Based Maintenance technique 16 | IN OTHER WORLDS Lubrizol launches a website for motorcycle oils market Why Motorcycle Oil Specifications are Important 22 | TECHNOLOGY FEATURE Fresh trends in grease manufacturing processes seek to improve performance 24 | TECHNOLOGY FEATURE Conversations on Viscometrics November 2013-January 2014 | LUBEZINE MAGAZINE 10 MARKET FEATURE “Mitumba” lubricants, an environmental catastrophy Editor’s Desk The Market Report African lubricants market attracts investors to fulfill emerging needs WearCheck opens lab in Mozambique TBS embarks on testing of lubricants Alarm over substandard oils in Tanzania market 8 | Frequently Asked Questions 26 | The art of selling lubricants: Perspective of a Kenyan salesman 24 AUTOMATED/ CENTRALIZED LUBRICATION SYSTEMS 1