Lubezine Volume 14 Sep. 2015 | Page 6

Frequently Asked Questions P.9 See also THEMarketREPORT NE W S • BRIEFIN G • N EW P RODU CTS • T EC H NOLO GY Total Kenya adds new, advanced coolant T otal Kenya has unveiled a fresh range of coolant, with an aim to fulfil technological obligations and meet the specific cooling requirements set by particular engine Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). The newly-developed agent also targets to keep pace with the ever-changing engine technology, advancement in design and stringent requirements by engine manufacturers, which lay strict emphasis on coolant specifications. Now available in Total Kenya outlets the coolant is branded as Coolelf Auto Supra. According to the marketer, the agent employs Organic Inhibition. Total has said the coolant is pre-mixed and ready for use in two ranges, which are the Coolelf Auto Supra -260c (40 percent concentration) available in 1L packages and 208L, and the Coolelf Auto Supra -370c (50% concentration) available in 208-litre containers only. ‘Coolelf Auto Supra is a very long life coolant based on mono-ethylene Glycol-MEG and can be used in cooling system of cars, vans, truck, matatus, buses, heavy duty trucks, construction machines and tractors . It can also be used in both cast iron and aluminium engines and radiators made of Aluminium and Copper alloy. Coolelf Auto Supra -370c is the top-of-the range in our coolant product portfolio. Its long life and long drain extends to 650,000kms/8000hrs/5 years when used in trucks and 250,000km/5 years when used in cars,’ Total Kenya announced. The company added that the coolant range meets the ASTM 3310/4656/4985 and D-6210 and is officially approved by Mercedes Benz-MB 326.3,MAN 324 Type SNF,FORD,AUDI,VW,DEUTZ,VOLVO 128 6083,SCANIA TB 1451, among others. ■ Morris lubricants secures Kenyan distributor A leading UK oil manufacturer h a s e ns u re d t h e Un i on Jack is re aching ne w parts of the world after sealing a new African contract. Morris Lubricants, one of the largest independently owned oil blenders in Europe, has strengthened its already impressive export portfolio by securing a new distributor in Kenya as reported on its official website. The new customer recently placed their first order for a full container of commercial vehicle and agriculture products. It follows a big push by Morris Lubricants across West Africa, where the brand is already well-known in Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Mauritania, and means the Shrewsbury-based company is now exporting to more than 80 countries worldwide. Stephen Dawe, International Business 4 Director at Morris Lubricants, said: “We have seen impressive growth in the last few years, and our overseas sales have certainly played a big part in that”. “We are opening up new territories and securing new business in countries that were notoriously difficult to break into in previous years”. “The key to our success is high-quality. Consumers across the globe are looking for better lubricants, and when quality is the prime differentiator, pricing issues become less significant”. “We build and nurture relationships with our export customers and the Union Jack is still seen as an emblem of quality, in virtually every corner of the world.” Mr Dawe said Morris Lubricants’ recent success overseas could be partly attributed to the launch of their latest Versimax brand of commercial vehicle products, together with the growth of new generation gas engine lubricants. He said: “Our latest marketing campaigns have been welcomed in all of our export locations, where serious consumers recognise Morris Lubricants as a leading high-performance brand, and have done so for many years”. “In the past, we tried to gain access to different markets with the same suit on. By splitting our products into different brands – such as the new Versimax range for commercial vehicles – it makes it easier for people to understand. Yes, we might do heritage oils, but Morris Lubricants also provides the necessary products for the latest generation commercial vehicles, or for the machinery used in a modern industrial engineering process. Our recent moves have really c h a n g e d p e o p l e ’s p e r c e p t i o n s . “Another area of expansion has been into gas engines, where Morris has developed a specialist range of crankcase oils. Gas engines have become increasingly important in places like India and the Middle East, where combined heat and power plants are continuing in popularity. “CHP plants utilising anaerobic digestion, are able to biodegrade waste organic materials in order to create lower cost energy, and power everything from air conditioning, to heating and lighting.” ■ September 2015 • | Lubezine Magazine