Lubezine Volume 14 Sep. 2015 | Page 16

“Between 2003 and 2004, the Standards Organization of Nigeria and the Department of Petroleum Resources sought intervention of stakeholders to sanitize the industry and some level of success was recorded, but sustainability remains a snag for such initiatives,” « from pg 12 “In order to stem the tide of substandard re-use in heavy duty vehicles, or in some Mitumba lubricants, an environmental catastrophy P.10 products in the Nigerian lubricant sector, cases even passed off as raw crude. Oil KEEPConversations UP TO on Viscometrics P.24 DATE WITH LUBEZINE! Mit umb a lu b Con ricants , ver satio an env ns o ironm nV isco ental ca t met rics astroph P.24 y P.1 0 WW W. VO De MA IN L .8 • NO VE MB LU BE SA FR IC A. CO M sig n De ing m vel op otorc ing y eff cle o il ect ive s to m e pla nt et OE lub M ric s an d ati on end pro use r gra mm need e P s P.1 ER 20 13 -J AN UA RY 20 14 OI IN TL ANA MA RAN LYSIS INT SFO PLU S: W ENA RM EAR CHE NCE ER CK OPE NS L No ve mb er 2013- Ja nu ary 2014 | LU BE ZIN E MA GA ZIN FEA TUR E W MA IN IN M OZA M BIQ Lub e UE P.5 1 VO sm ry -A pr il 20 14 | LU B EZ IN E MA GA Z IN FE AT UR E MA IN FE AT UR E A RISFRICA S IN ’S DEYNTHG MA ET ND ICS PL uS Se pt em be r :a 2014 • Sp ft ec ia l er ed it io .L U Ma n| Lu be rk zi n eM et ag a zi MA RK ET •F EB RU AR Y -A PR BE SA IL eri .24 0 FR IC A .C OM 20 14 ark a et g hold row s th r first lu evs up brica ea n mo ts su ld m m aki mit P ng ser .5 vic es P E ND AN L .9 nig A enfrica lub erg ’s g PL es y fu eo US :H de el the YR AX ma s n rm OIL EN TE nd ew al RS UG A br ua W E AB Fe W P.4 w VO L .1 0• Se p te mb er 20 14 w |S pe w .l ub es a c ia Le d it iO 1 ne ad dit ive S; d o th ey MAIN FEATURE wo rk ?P . 28 .24 fr ic a n .c om LUPAN is supporting more aggressive recycling lessens the likelihood of used oils approaches by regulatory agencies including being poured on the land and in waterways, adverts in newspapers, sponsored articles thereby polluting the environment,” he said. He however noted that recycled motor in mainstream newspapers, newspaper WWW.LUBESAFRICA.COM editorials, road shows, posters and bill oil could be used as fuel in blast furnace boards in strategic positions; radio adverts or plant boilers, suggesting that the in all languages and vernacular, in particular government could create a special unit to the local variation of English language, TV handle oil collection in the waste disposal adverts and mini TV series sponsored by department of the Federal Ministry of agencies and regulatory bodies on their Environment. “To this extent, special receptacles could own or in collaboration with the private VO L .8 • NOVEMBERbe2 0created 1 3 -JANUARY 2 0 1is 4 done with medical (just as sector, ” he said. He however suggested ways in which waste) for collection of such oils. The above government could tighten industry practice option is also open to the oil marketers and regulation, saying regulatory bodies who are the primary contact of the auto must step up their act as watchdogs in the mechanics.Oil marketers can embark on sector. This should be done by stimulating the - spot education on the hazards of waste collaboration and cooperation among oil spillage, during their supply rounds to regulatory agencies, especially in the shops and garages. Customized receptacles issuance of permits and clearance for the can be made and supplied to garages or kept importation of base oils, noting that in some by the wayside,” he recommended. He also suggested the use of the media countries, it is imported as a petroleum product and also a chemical, and as such to create awareness and educate the public on the hazards of waste oil spillage even as permits are issued by different agencies. He also said that base oil should be he said advised on the siting of waste oil strictly monitored right from the point collection stations in strategic areas of town. Speaking on current practices of handling of entry to the point of blending, to curb sales of base oil in the open market, used oils and potential of re-refining in stressing that only licensed blenders Africa, Obidike said in some countries, should be authorized to import base oil, such oils are gathered to be combusted adding that more collaboration with as fuels, or recycled for general lubricant law enforcement agencies was needed, applications or for automotive, industrial and more parliamentary support by way and heavy duty application, or introducing of legislating on how to penalize act of additives with the appropriate detergent counterfeiting and prosecuting offenders. and antifriction qualities. “The government can, through its He said that importers and manufacturers should be held accountable for every base environmental agencies, contain the oil sales and production by making record situation of waste oil collection as the main issue is recycling. of same in a chart. The government can encourage private Some of the benefits of tightening industry practice he listed included boosting individuals to engage in the business of employment generation,encouragement of waste oil recycling by making the venture technological transfer and development, attractive by means of offering varied reduction in environmental pollution and incentives such as pioneer grants; tax free degradation, reduction in motor accidents periods for pioneer companies intervention as well as checking capital flight. The funds disbursed through industrial LUPAN chief executive also highlighted development banks; business friendly inappropriate handling of waste oils as one economic policies,” he said. “There is a large working arena for any of the industry malpractices. “Waste oils are one of the major corporate body that wants to venture contributory factors to environmental into the business of waste oil collection, 1 degradation. Most people that handle waste especially when measured against the oils are illiterates (some auto technicians) steady growth of industries thus making and educated but unenlightened the viability of waste oil recycling very technicians. Some of these oils are sold f