Lubezine Magazine Vol. 4 Lubezine Magazine Vol. 4 | Page 3

W W W . L UBE S A F R I C A . C O M CONTENTS VOL 4 JULY—SEPTEMBER 201 2 N E W S • I N D U S T R Y U P D AT E • N E W P R O D U C T S • T E C H N O L O G Y • C O M M E N TA R Y 14 | Oil ANALYSIS — THE FUNDAMENTALS MAIN FEATURE INSIDE REGULARS 7 | 2 | 4 | COUNTRY Feature Uganda lubricants market — a brief overview 10 | MAIN FEATURE Lubrication and condition monitoring to improve plant availability 14 | MAIN FEATURE Oil analysis — The Fundamentals 18 | ADVERTISER’S FEATURE Consumer choices lubricants survey — GFK 20 | PACKAGING FEATURE New trends in lubricants packaging 22 | TECHNOLOGY FEATURE Oil degradation 26 | PROFILE 10 questions for lubricants professionals 27 | ADVERTISER’S FEATURE The ultimate solution in sugar mill lubrication July-September 2012 | Lubezine Magazine 8 MAINTENANCE FEATURE Turbochargers and lubrication 24 Editor’s Desk The Market Report Eac to remove preferential tariff treatment on lubes produced within Eac block Motorol Lubricants Open Shop In Kenya Puma Energy plans buyout of KenolKobil Additives exempted from PVoC standards 6 | Questions from our readers 28 | Last Word Engine oil performance in numbers 28 EQUIPMENT FEATURE Lubrication equipment for a profitable and professional workshop 1