The ultimate solution in
sugar mill lubrication
n a sugar mill,
lubrication of
the mill bearings
has over years been
a major source of
headache to many
engineers. This is
clearly so because
of the operating
By Richard
environment, the
Richard mugambi very high loads on the
mill bearings and the
is a lubricants
engineer working very low speeds that
with Gulf Energy. the mills rotate.
Lubrication of
these bearings demands a product that is
dispensed from a lube pump at various
intervals in order to ensure reduced friction
which further ensures the operating
temperatures are below 50 degrees c for
protection of the fragile brass material that
make up these bearings. Since the lubricant
is not collected in a sump like in most other
applications for reuse, there is the requirement to minimize on volume consumed
to avoid waste and the environmental
challenges that come with disposal of used
Balance between reducing friction,
operating at minimal temperatures and
reduced lubricant use, are the factors that a
mill engineer has to contend with. Most of
the products available in the market have
not been able to satisfactorily offer this
SUGARPRESS BR has been specially
developed with this challenge in perspective. The product has very high viscosity of
20,000 cst @ 40 degrees celcius to ensure
proper lube film is formed between the shaft
and mill journals to reduce wear on the
brass journals while carrying the very high
mill loads. In addition, its high adhesion
capability makes it possible to stick on the
shaft while rotating at the very low speeds.
July-September 2012 | Lubezine Magazine
Top: Sugar press pump system in a mill lubrication.
Left: Gulf Energy Sugarpress BR lubricant
This means little amounts of the product are
used to keep the bearing cool and lubricated
thereby reducing on the product consumption.
SUGARPRESS BR is biodegradable
making it valuable to organizations that are
environment conscious. To ensure rationalization of inventory, the product has the
added benefit of being multi-functional. In
addition to lubrication of the mill bearings,
it fits well in lubricating crown pinions, bull
gears and crystallizer wheels among other
SUGARPRESS BR is the additional spanner in a maintenance engineer’s toolbox
when it comes to trimming the maintenance cost especially from a lubrication
point of view.