Lubezine Magazine Vol. 3 Lubezine Magazine Vol. 3 | Page 4

Turn to Focus on Kirinyaga Road NE W LO OK ! a guide to buying lubricants P.10 The basics of oil additives P.16 VO L . 3 • Ja n ua ry- M a r c h 2 0 1 2 nOT FOR SaLe P.12 EDITOR’SDESK VOL 3 • JA N UA RY- M A RC H 2 01 2 Editorial Focus on Kirinyaga Inside Kenya’s lubricants capital Road January-March 2012 | Lubezine Magazine PLuS: THe MaRKeT RePORT P.4 1 Publisher: Lubes Africa Ltd Editor: Susan Mwangi Design & Layout: Andrew Muchira Contributors: Denis Mwai Daniel Kiige James Wakiru Joseph Kitui Joseph Ndung’u Ken Koskei Margaret Mwaura Rita Munyiva Photography: Bettercom Media services Lubezine library NOCK Ltd Art Direction: Zeus Media Ltd [email protected] Advertising & Subscription: [email protected] Subscriptions: Lubezine is free to qualified subscribers who are involved in the lubricants industry as manufacturer’s end-users, marketers and suppliers to the oil industry. Lubezine is a quarterly publication of Lubes Africa Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced or transmitted in any form including photocopy or any storage and retrieval system without prior written permission from the publishers. 2 Welcome to the new look Lubezine Magazine! T his is the third issue of a magazine that continues to quench the thirst for information of the regions lubricants market. Kirinyaga Road is in no small measure the most significant market for lubricants in Kenya. Over the years,this area situated in downtown Nairobi has gained a reputation for quality products at the most competitive prices. It has also produced some of the biggest distributors of lubricants in the country. Lubezine reporter,Margaret Mwaura extensively covers this area bringing you the reasons that make this area tick. We welcome on board UK correspondent, Mr. Andrew Monk. When faced with the need to reduce maintenance cost, many purchasing managers opt for cheaper products.But Mr. Monk shows in his article that through lubrication surveys, a plant can drastically reduce maintenance cost by cutting down on waste and utilizing the correct lubricants and lubrication principles. He asks ... “How can anyone involved with maintenance ever get to appreciate that an innovative grease that costs 100 times their currently utilized conventional product, will give them an annual saving in terms of reduced downtime and maintenance costs twenty times what they would spend on this lubricant?’’ I must applaud Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) for the initiative it has taken to try and upgrade the minimum oils grades from API CD and API SF to API CH-4 and API SJ for diesel engine and petrol engine oils respectively. The concern that stake holders have raised about the need for strict enforcement of existing standards is quite valid and there is no doubt that KEBS is up to the task. Indeed a journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step and most definitely the country is headed in the right direction, lubricants-wise, that is. I cannot sign off without giving special thanks to our advertisers who ensure that every quarter this magazine is distributed as a complimentary copy to a wide array of stake holders in the industry. With the magazine now reaching close to 3000 professionals in the lubricants industry, Lubezine advertisers have the most direct link to their desired audience. The concern that stake holders have raised about the need for strict enforcement of existing standards is quite valid and there is no doubt that KEBS is up to the task Joseph Ndung’u Lubezine Magazine | January-March 2012