Since most countries lack strict oil development
regulations and enforcement, the polluting effects of
careless oil development are far more apparent
On site (In-situ) Techniques (Can effectively treat
the contamination of soils and groundwater at the
location of the contamination)
Off Site (Ex-situ) Techniques (based on the removal
of the contaminant from the site through the removal
of the contaminated soil)
1. Natural Recovery: Oil is left in place to degrade naturally.
No action is taken, although monitoring of contaminated
areas may be required. Most effective with low residual oil
Soil vapour extraction: insitu volatization whereby a
vaccum is created in the contaminated ground allowing air
flow. Pollutants extracted in gaseous form.
Sediment Reworking/Tilling: The oiled sediments are
roto-tilled, disked, or otherwise mixed using mechanical
equipment or manual tools. The objective is to break up
the oiled sediment layers, increasing their surface area and
decreasing the oil concentrations, thus enhancing the rate
of microbial degradation through aeration.
2. Incineration: Similar to physical removal but with treatment
of the waste stream by incineration. Incineration uses high
temperatures, 870 to 1,200°C to volatilize and combust (in
the presence of oxygen) organic constituents. The destruction and removal efficiency for properly operated incinerators exceeds the 99.99% requirement for hazardous waste.
Distinct incinerator desig