Did you know...
The country’s biggest lubricants distributors are to be found here. They include
Sidona Spares, Atlantis Auto Spares, Jesmiras and Mau Summit
Mr. Patel of Atlantis Auto spares outside his lube shop.
Mr. Wambugu of Sidona Spares inside his lube shop.
Vehicles awaiting service at the busy Kirinyaga Road.
Kirinyaga Road mechanics service a car.
Kirinyaga Road mechanics waiting for customers.
Tucked at the other end of Kirinyaga Road
is Jesmiras who has been in business since
2002 and has risen to be one of the main
distributors of lubricants in the country. So
successful has been this distributor that he
has introduced his own brand, Ocenn Lubricants, to compliment those of the oil majors
he stocks.
Mr. Mwangi, a sales representative working for the company is emphatic that the
quality customer service given to customers
has been a major success factor, “We always
advice customers on the right lubricants to
use depending on the make and and on how
modern the car is,” he adds.
January-March 2012 | Lubezine Magazine
Given the critical role the jua kali mechanics play in lubricants business, many oil
companies have come up with comprehensive programs targeting this group. These
include promotions, educational seminars
and road shows.
The mechanic is the final link between
the oil company and the eventual end-users.
Most of these end-users have no knowledge
on lubricants and rely exclusively on the
mechanic for advice on which product to
Mr. Michael Munene, a mechanic in this
area for the past 3 years, says that the regular
seminars that these companies have been
conducting in the area have played a big role
in enhancing the level of service many jua
kali mechanics offer to their customers. He
adds that such seminars also help them in
understanding any new products that have
been introduced in the market.
Business in Kirinyaga Road grows with
each passing day; new spare parts shops
and garages mushroom in every corner,
new lube marketers try to introduce their
products and existing major brands dig in to
secure their market shares.
For several years this area has been the
capital of Kenya’s lubricants business, a title
it is unlikely to lose any time soon.