Lubezine Magazine Vol. 3 Lubezine Magazine Vol. 3 | Page 13

Management of oil contaminated sites P.18 See also of how much grease each truck consumes. If dispensing equipments are available, the most convenient pack sizes would be drums. Price and payment terms Convenience is determined by factors such as, in what quantities will the product be issued from the stores to the maintenance section, what dispensing units are available and the available storage space January-March 2012 | Lubezine Magazine yard and owns this stocks. From this stock, the customer picks products based on their immediate requirement and will accordingly be invoiced for this quantity only. Consignment stocking eliminates the need for the customer to worry about his stocks levels as whatever runs out is quickly replenished from the suppliers stocks on site. Stocks keeping units (sku) The supplier should supply products in convenient pack sizes. Convenience is determined by factors such as the quantities in which the product will be issued from the stores to the maintenance section, what dispensing units are available and the available storage space. If for example grease is required regularly for application on wheel bearings of trucks, small pack units say 3kgs would be more convenient than larger packs of 18 kgs as they would allow easier tracking In a largely competitive market like ours, it is likely that products meeting the same quality levels would be in the same price range. The competitive advantage of one supplier over the other in terms of prices is thus of minimal benefit. Price should therefore not be accorded higher importance than the other factors highlighted above. What would be more important are the payment terms the supplier is willing to extend. Once a decision has been arrived at, it is equally important to decide on whether to go for a long term supply contract with one supplier or to do spot purchasing every month from a number of prequalified suppliers. Where supply is to be done through a long term contract with one supplier, benefits such as technical support and equipment installations can be gained. The disadvantage is that incase the sole supplier runs out of key products, the operations of the organization will be affected. For spot buying, supply is always done on the basis of lowest prices and is based on the immediate needs of the company. For example, if a construction company requires 8 drums, they will consider prices from a number of prequalified suppliers and award to the cheapest. However, this arrangement rarely comes with a comprehensive technical support or lube dispensing equipment package. Also, in case of a lubricant’s related problem occurring in the machinery, it is impossible to pinpoint which lubricants brand were responsible. Additionally, cases of different lubes brands being mixed in application can occur resulting in some undesirable effects. The purchase decision for lubricants has many factors to be considered and only by getting the correct mix will the maintenance needs of an organization be met at the most efficient, professional and cost effective manner. . 11