15 Years with Cole Creek Outfitters
By Gus Congemi
Skylined in the distance, I could see a Buck
Antelope making his way to the water
hole. After scanning the area, he makes his
commitment to head to the water. This year,
I was hunting from a Windmill stand, so the
slightest movement could deter the Antelope
from coming in to drink. As the antelope got
closer, I could see that he was a giant - the
biggest I had ever personally
seen on stand at Cole Creek.
As he lowers his head to take a
drink at 27 yards, I lift my bow
and draw my arrow. The trow
its mark! The antelope ran 100
yards and piled up.
2012 #1 Antelope Gus Congemi
Back in 2012, a similiar
experience happened. I
harvested the Wyoming
Outfitters and Guides
Association’s #1 Antelope in
Wyoming. Incredible hunting
opportunities are a repetitious
scenario with Kelley
Glause of Cole Creek
Outfitters for the last 15
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