LTU Annual Volunteer Fair 2012 Sept. 2012 | Page 2

disproportionately affect the LGBT community ; Recreation and Fitness – provides an array of social , recreational and physical activities for LGBT and ally individuals , youth , older adults and families . Contact : Meghann Hollowell - ( 248 ) 398-7105 - mhollowell @ goaffirmations . org
‘ field Zone
The ' field Zone is a unit of the Boys and Girls Clubs of South Oakland County located in Southfield , MI in the Southfield Civic Center area . We have designed a center where leadership , recreation , creativity , community involvement , academics , technology , arts , and music inspire our youth . This youth center stands to become the ' hub ' of community activity , open to middle school and high school students . We are currently looking for volunteer tutors to mentor our Club members for one hour a week in our Learning Zone . The Learning Zone is a positive , fun , quiet zone where members are able to study , complete assignments , read , and play educational games . Members can also participate in our Power Hour Program which awards points for studying that is done in the Learning Zone . The ‘ field Zone tutoring program is also based in the Learning Zone . Students can sign up for weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions with a volunteer tutor who remains with them throughout the semester .
Contact : ( 248 ) 395-9663 - fieldzone @ fieldzone . org ( preferred )