LSVC | Page 17

He is one of the leading minstrels of Turkish literature.

He was born in 1894 in Şarkışla,Sivas,Turkey .

He was also one of the most important representative of Anatolian Ashik tradition.

When he was seven years old he conrtacted smallbox disease and became blind.

With his poetry he gave great contribution to Turkish national language and solidarity and so in 1965 Turkish Grand National Assembly allocated him a monthly salary.

He died in 1973.

Today the house he died is used as a museum .


I am on a long and narrow road,

I walk day and night;

I do not know what state I am in

I walk day and night;

The moment I came into the world,

I walked at the same time

At an inn with two doors

I walk day and night

I walk even while sleeping,

I am looking for a reason to stay

I always see the ones that left

I walk day and night

Forty-nine years on these roads

In the valleys, mountains, and deserts

In foreign lands I make my way

I walk day and night

If deeply thought about

The goal seems very far from sight

While the road is only a minute long

I walk day and night

Veysel does wonder at this state

Lament or laughter, which is right?

Still to attain the distant goal

I walk day and night

Translated by Nermin Menemencioğlu from Turkish to English