LOWRANCE SOUTH AFRICA Lowrance Issue 6 | Page 12

n s n i n ns ns s h ns s h s built by a company called Airmar (in fact many marine electronic brands use Airmar transducers), however, some transducers are built by Lowrance in n n is i n h enough free cable is h h motor to ensure it can turn freely. ou can purchase trolling- motor mount kits for most of the transducers that Lowrance sells. n i i ni s s n i h transducers, but you can choose to purchase most Lowrance units without the standard transducer n n his s h s hi h transducer you need. There is another ins n n kayak anglers namely the Scupper Mount installation. The Scupper mount system is designed s ifi s n ng n kayaks. s h ns i n in n i h h n screw any fasteners or drill any holes in the kayak. ns s i n i n adapter cable in order to connect to the sonar port of your Lowrance unit (this is because the ns gs h h ng s h ins n h s n n s h ins ake sure that your chosen Lowrance dealer orders ALL the necessary components to get you on the water. ns s g i n s n s i n h n i s n You can contact our head office on 031 368 6649 Alternatively, you can also click on the below link to view more detailed info on the various transducer models available. h 12 lowrance south africa n ns g i 21 22