O ur Technical Manager John Minnie was excited to join the EMEA distributors in Portugal for this annual conference – where everyone was eager to learn about Lowrance’s new products, marketing trends and plans for the coming year. And they were not disappointed! The three-day event was jam-packed with lectures and training workshops and the 45 distributors had a good selection of topics - relevant to their particular brands. Among others, John attended the Lowrance workshop on C-Maps for recreational and commercial use, and several Round Table events which he really enjoyed. He said one of the most interesting talks was given by Navico’s new President and Chief Executive Officerv Knut Frostad, who is passionate about “Sustainability” and saving our oceans from devastating effects of plastic waste and other pollution. Knut said “We are perfectly placed to do something about it” and his dream is to provide scientists with much needed data from the oceans. Take a look…..