The Nocqua Battery has been marketed
as a power supply primarily for kayaks,
however jetski anglers can take advantage
of this little beauty by using it as a power
source for a live bait well while drifting.
Even with a dual battery system fitted,
there is still a chance that while bottom
fishing, drop shot, or jigging you could
potentially flatten your jetski battery. So,
by simply adding a small electric live
bait pump to your live bait well, you can
have days of power and disconnect the
waterproof connector and remove your
battery at any time.
trips to remote areas like Mozambique, or
when load shedding in South Africa you can
just charge while you drive your car.
Nocqua Battery is protected by a silicone
protective skin to keep your battery free
from corrosion and internal damage and of
course totally waterproof.... including salt
water proof!
When using a Nocqua Battery, your
fishfinder is now sealed end to end, from
the Nocqua Battery to the fishfinder. This
will greatly improve the life span of your
fishfinder and battery.
You can also charge your phone out
at sea with the USB charger accessory
which is a bonus. Another huge benefit
is to purchase an extra power cable for
your fishfinder and you can connect your
Nocqua Battery independently to your
main battery, again while drop-shotting,
bottom fishing or jigging.
There is a range of accessories available
like a car charger. A “Y” piece to power
two items at the same time, for instance a
fishfinder and a live bait well. A waterproof
switch. Accessory pack to add additional
electrical items and keep the whole
system waterproof. Nocqua Batteries
are lightweight and durable so you can
Both kayak and jetski anglers can benefit take them almost anywhere and in any
by purchasing an extra fishfinder power conditions.
cable and connecting your unit to your
Nocqua Battery - so you can sit at home To summarise I know that at first thought
and learn to use your fishfinder, upload these Power Packs seem expensive but
and download waypoints, and do software believe me when you have purchased one
you won’t look back.
Nocqua Battery can be charged via 240- Tight lines, Codfather
volt or 12-volt supply which is great for For more information contact: 072 938 1769
The Nocqua Battery also comes highly recommended by well-known angler, Mark
de la Hey, who says:
“Kayak fishing is on the extreme end of wear and tear on your electronics! I choose
Lowrance ... and as good as it is, it can only be as good as its power source.
So, I match the best with the best! Up to four days use with one charge and high-
end connections and protection from the salt, why choose anything else? Nocqua and
Lowrance ... a match made for kayaks!”