Unfortunately they did experience some
bad weather this past week, but they still
managed to fi sh three out of the fi ve days-
the comp was called off on the Tuesday
and Wednesday. And the three fi shing
days produced some amazing catches!
The Guinjata Bonanza is a species
comp- gamefi sh will qualify, but this year
they excluded Billfi sh. Many species
were caught: including King Mackerel,
Queen Mackerel, Greater Barracuda,
Dorado, Tuna, Prodical Son, Wahoo,
Green Jobfi sh, Kingfi sh, Queenfi sh, GT,
and Amberjack. Couta was defi nitely
the most caught fi sh, followed closely
by tuna. And a some Billfi sh were even
released; including a blue and striped
Marlin, and also a couple Sailfi sh from
jet skis. The billfi sh don’t count towards
the comp, but they defi nitely earned their
anglers bragging rights.
Gamefi sh that weighed 4kg or more
counted towards points for both the boat
and the anglers tally. There were four main
prizes: the biggest fi sh caught from a ski
boat and also off a jet ski, and the most
species points tallied by both a ski boat and
a jet ski. There were also prizes for the top
anglers, and lots of tackle and equipment
prizes for the top ski boats and jet skis.
There were prizes worth thousands to be
won… the sponsors really came to the
party this year. Lowrance sponsored an
Elite 9 Ti unit with a deep sea transducer,
a Hook² 5 X SplitShot unit, and three
Waterwolf Cameras.
The BIG prize for the biggest fi sh caught off a boat was a Seacat 520
on a trailer with 2 X 60 HP 4-stroke Yamaha outboard motors.
The prize for the biggest fi sh caught off a jet ski was a Yamaha VX700 R Jet
Ski fi tted with tubbies and on a trailer.
Lowrance units proved to be the winning element of this year’s comp, as
all the main winners had Lowrance installed. Proof that if you want to win
comps, you need to have the winning brand!