Inland: Steph and Keith recently spent a morning of training, with Brand Ambassador John Easton, at Inanda Dam. The main focus was what people look for when buying a Lowrance unit - which includes the quality of sonar, mapping options and 3D Structure Scan. They concentrated on the main features of the Lowrance Elite Ti and Carbon units. Another focal point was accessories that make a big difference, like our Point-1 antenna which stablilizes charts at very low speeds, and Fishtech charts. At Sea: Keith and Smitty recently enjoyed a day of fishing (and some training) with Lowrance Brand Ambassadors Brett and Daryl Bartho. They made use of the Lowrance HDS Gen 3 units on board, to catch a selection of bottom fish including: Cob, Rock Cod, Soldiers and Cave Bass. Proof that our units work!