NEW SOFTW LOWRANCE recently released brand new so�ware for the HDS Carbon, HDS Gen 3, and Elite Ti units. Most of you are used to upda�ng the so�ware on your cell phones and tablets. Some�mes new so�ware fixes bugs, but some�mes it introduces something significant. The new HDS and Elite Ti so�ware update has the angling world buzzing with excitement! And best of all… it’s free! What does the new software do? It offers anglers FISH REVEAL. Fish Reveal is an important tool for all anglers, and it is revolu�onary. Fish Reveal in One Sentence: Fish Reveal allows the angler to see Fish Arches on top of DownScan details. Here's why this is such an important improvement: • Previously, you could only see Fish Arches on the tradi�onal sonar screen. This screen, however, had low resolu�on bo�om and structure details. • To get high-resolu�on bo�om and structure details, you would have to make use of the DownScan feature. This feature, however, missed the fish arches, and it was therefore difficult to spot the fish. • To get both sonar and structure view, you would either sacrifice “screen real estate” by spli�ng the screen in two, or you would have to toggle back and forth between the pages to see your desired informa�on.