I’m not going to insult you
by assuming you can’t see
where this is going - I’m
going to let you come to
your own conclusions.
Though I am going to let
you in on a little secret
that’s allowed many people
to have far more success
in what they do than any
perfectionist I have ever
met - and that’s the use A couple of examples of
of the “Minimum Effort for that would be something
Maximum Result” method. like eating more spinach
to get say Vitamin A, or
That simply means you do vitamin K or iron, than your
only as much as is needed to body can absorb or need.
get the maximum amount
of effect for your trouble. Let’s say your critical
Such that doing any more carbohydrate intake to stay
would not give any more in ketosis is 56 grams a day
noticeable increase in the so you make sure to stay
results obtained.
under say 50 grams just to