what they’re talking about
or how medications should
be changed as diet changes.
KK: One of the things when
I first came in, I have only
been medicated for actually
about two years so I was
paleo for a year and a half
before I got medicated. I was
wrongly diagnosed when I
was about 21. I was put on the
wrong medication. It made me
manic for two years straight.
It was a really bad situation
especially at that age.
When I got pregnant with my
first daughter, I went off all
the medications and I stayed
medication-free for about 11
years and I fought it. I white
knuckled it. I tried every
natural thing that you could
possibly try and unfortunately,
bipolar disorder is not like
depression. There are a lot of
natural things that you can
do to help with depression.
So many people have it but
bipolar disorder is a chemical
issue that is hereditary
and your brain functions
completely different. I just had
all the shame. I kept thinking