to our hunter-gatherer
ancestors. It’s all about
this evolutionary mismatch
of a world we live in now.
We’ve lost so many of the
important tenets of life.
For instance, our sleep, our
stress management, our
mindfulness, our play, our
sexuality, our technology.
All of the things that we are
doing now are the opposite
of how our ancestors
have lived or even modern
day hunter-gatherers
that we know exist.
So if we’re talking about
food, you can’t eat your
way out of a bad lifestyle.
It’s not just possible; even
talking about fitness, all
these things. So we are
all running ourselves into
the ground. I have so much
experience with poor stress
management and I spend
my life now everyday trying
to make sure that I am
managing my stress because
you can’t get rid of stress.
Sure, there are some things
that you can lessen but for
the most part, we just live
a life of stress. I have four