Loving Life Summer Edition 2014 Volume 8.7 | Page 7

Pastor’s Corner It’s Promotion Time: A Message from Pastor T There is a saying, “Success is when opportunity meets preparation.” This is such a timely statement when it comes to receiving promotion from God and going to the next level in your life, whether on the job or in the financial, relational, school or ministerial arenas. Many believers think that “golden” opportunities will be handed to them on a silver platter; however, the truth of the matter is that unless you are in a position to receive from God, you can miss your blessing. The first thing to remember is that promotion comes from God and not from any other source. Psalm 75:6-7 (KJV) says, “6 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.” Understanding this will help you to realize that if you desire a promotion or have expectations of going to your next level, you need to strive to please God, not man, first. This means obeying God at every turn and taking the necessary steps to prepare yourself for His best. You must get your priorities straight by finding out what God says in His Word. One way to position yourself for promotion is by honoring those who are in authority over you (1 Peter 2:18, 19) and by maintaining an honorable, submissive attitude toward others. Your attitude says a lot about what is going on inside of you. A “funky-tude” will not do anything to help propel you to the next level, because “your Attitude determines your Altitude.” It will only slow down what God is trying to do for you. Serve God and others with joy and gladness. This shows God, that no matter what your current conditions, your primary concern is to please Him. Colossians 3:23(NLT) says, “23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” Another area that must be developed on your ascension upward is your image. The way you present yourself through your manner of dress, grooming and etiquette can either make or break you. Do you pay attention to the way you carry yourself, such as your level of cleanliness, your style, poise and the tone of your voice when speaking to others? “Snapping” at people, being rude and not developing effective conflict resolution skills can cancel a promotion faster than anything. Cultivating these critical elements can make the difference between stand-