Loving Life Summer Edition 2014 Volume 8.7 | Page 17

I Testify!!! by Audrey Thomas Recently I interviewed Mother Hazel Singleton, and I asked her to share with me her testimonial experiences with Jesus. This is her account. What was your life like before you were born-again? I thank God because my life really wasn’t a harsh life. I did go out, and I did a little partying. I was never a drinker but, I did smoke. I did some of the “big girl” things, like hanging out and going to clubs, but I never got into too much trouble. I was enjoying life as I knew it. Describe your conversion experience. What happened the day you were born-again between you and Jesus? Well, I wanted to accept Christ because it was rooted in me. My mom and dad were Christians from the heart, and I would always watch them reading their bibles and praying. We never wanted for anything; we always had what we needed. I can just see my dad now a s he sat at the head of the table, faithfully reading his bible and praying every day. Whatever he was getting from that bible, that’s what I wanted for myself. When I was about eight years old, I can’t recall what I was doing, but there was a feeling that came over me and I ran and told my mother that, something had just happened to me. She asked me what it was, but I could only describe it as, a strange feeling; as if I had stepped outside of myself, yet someone was holding me. She laughed and she cried and said, “That was nothing, but the grace of God. God was showing you that he loves you and has accepted you, because you have accepted Him. He’s just letting you know, that He’s there for you.” I’ve had that feeling ever since, I know that he is always with me. My first experience with God was unusual and scary, but it was still a good feeling. My mom explained how God can move and how you can feel his presence without seeing him. What are the greatest lessons you’ve learned since you’ve been born-again? We are God’s mouth-pieces here on earth, so I seize every opportunity to speak to people about the goodness of God; how He works and how he moves. I heard people complaining about all the snow back in March, but I told them, “Some places are flooded with water, so a little snow is alright. After the snow, there will be a brighter day.” I know this to be true because I’ve seen it for myself through tragedies that God has helped my family through. God has let me stand strong through the trials and see that He is God, and that He can get me through anything. He’s so good!!!