Loving Life Newsletter Winter/Spring 2018 Winter/Spring 2018 | Page 4


by Dr . Monica Greene-Smalls
In October 2017 , LFCC celebrated 11 wonderful years in the ministry . During the month-long celebration we received anointed and powerful messages from Bishop Ralph L . Dennis , Reverend D . R . Hunter , Reverend Colinda K . Hunter , Minister Angela Harris , and our shepherd , Pastor T . Anthony Thompson . The themes all focused on the truth that no matter what we face or go through , we will have ultimate , overwhelming victory through Jesus Christ .
In this issue , we continue to celebrate overwhelming victory through : a special 11th Anniversary message from Pastor T ; an interview with First Lady Jewell Thompson and Women ’ s Ministry Leader Jackie Meadows as they reflect on the 10th Mother-Daughter Event held in October 2017 ; sound financial advice from Deacon Jason Goods to help us remain victorious ; a personal Testimony of God ’ s overflowing goodness from Sister Audrey Thomas ; Words of Inspiration about God ’ s Grace from Sister Jackie Meadows ; and a poem to welcome the new year of 2018 . The Children ’ s Corner has activities , created by Sister Kathy Kimbrough , which focus on the message of love in celebration of Valentine ’ s Day .
During the 11th Anniversary celebration , one of Pastor T ’ s most memorable messages was “ Thank You for the Scars .” Pastor T taught us that we should always remember to thank God for the physical and emotional scars caused by life ’ s trials and tribulations . The scars serve as proof that God brought us through-- they are a symbol of our victory and the basis of our testimonies . As LFCC progresses through its 12th year , I would like to take a moment to THANK YOU , Pastor T , on behalf of the LFCC family , for YOUR SCARS !
As a dedicated , humble , and awesome servant leader , you have constantly made sacrifices for the LFCC ministry and its members . You have Scars of Sacrifice from having to sacrifice time with your beautiful wife and wonderful children , as well as time for yourself , in order to serve . You regularly minister to our souls on Sunday morning and Tuesday night Bible Study , as well as Monday through Saturday on the Prayer Call .
Yet , you also find time to cheer our children on at basketball , football , and soccer games ; applaud them at musical performances ; and celebrate them at graduations . Not only do you visit your LFCC members in the hospital , but also visit and pray for our extended family members and friends who are battling illnesses . You sacrifice your time by attending homegoing celebrations and memorial services , and by personally comforting the bereaved . In addition , you take time to pray diligently for us , serve the community , and advocate for the church .
In spite of your steadfast dedication and commitment , there are those who did not keep their word to support your vision , as well as those who deliberately sought to destroy you . “ For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood , but against principalities , against powers , against the rulers of the darkness of this age , against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places ” ( Ephesians 6 : 12 ). As a result of successfully battling against those fiery darts in God ’ s strength , you also bear Scars of Betrayal , Scars of Disappointment , and Scars of Spiritual Battle . You continuously share these scars with us through your testimonies of victories , both large and small , to encourage us as we go through our own battles .
Pastor T , we thank you for your strength , humility and leadership . You have even washed our feet at past services as Jesus washed His disciples ’ feet in an example of true servant leadership . “ If I then , your Lord and Teacher , have washed your feet , you also ought to wash one another ’ s feet . For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you . Most assuredly , I say to you , a servant is not greater than his master , nor is he who sent greater than he who sent him . If you know these things , blessed are you if you do them .” ( John 13 : 14-17 ).
So , Pastor T , on behalf of LFCC ’ s members and friends , we would like to say thank you for all that you do and THANK YOU for YOUR SCARS .
In Christ , Monica Greene-Smalls , Ph . D . Editor-in-Chief