Loving Life Newsletter Winter/Spring 2018 Winter/Spring 2018 | Page 2

Loving Life Newsletter: Winter - Spring 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 p. 3 Message From The Editor p. 4 Pastor’s Message pg. 5 Emergency Numbers p. 6 Words Of Inspiration p. 7-9 Feature Article p. 10 I Testify pp. 11 Dollars And Sense p. 12 Relationships p. 13 Sweetheart Dance p. 14 Poetry Corner p. 16-18 Kids Corner p. 19 Upcoming Events MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR by Dr. Monica Greene-Smalls In October 2017, LFCC celebrated 11 wonderful years in the ministry. During the month-long celebration we received anointed and powerful messages from Bishop Ralph L. Dennis, Reverend D. R. Hunter, Reverend Colinda K. Hunter, Minister Angela Harris, and our shepherd, Pastor T. Anthony Thompson. The themes all focused on the truth that no matter what we face or go through, we will have ultimate, overwhelming victory through Jesus Christ. In this issue, we continue to celebrate overwhelming victory through: a special 11th Anniversary message from Pastor T; an interview with First Lady Jewell Thompson and Women’s Ministry Leader Jackie Meadows as they reflect on the 10th Mother-Daughter Event held in October 2017; sound financial advice from Deacon Jason Goods to help us remain victorious; a personal Testimony of God’s overflowing goodness from Sister Audrey Thomas; Words of Inspiration about God’s Grace from Sister Jackie Meadows; and a poem to welcome the new year of 2018. The Children’s Corner has activities, created by Sister Kathy Kimbrough, which focus on the message of love in celebration of Valentine’s Day. During the 11th Anniversary celebration, one of Pastor T’s most memorable messages was “Thank You for the Scars.” Pastor T taught us that we should always remember to thank God for the physical and emotional scars caused by life’s trials and tribulations. The scars serve as proof that God brought us through-- they are a symbol of our victory and the basis of our testimonies. As LFCC progresses through its 12th year, I would like to take a moment to THANK YOU, Pastor T, on behalf of the LFCC family, for YOUR SCARS! As a dedicated, humble, and awesome servant leader, you have constantly made sacrifices for the LFCC ministry and its members. You have Scars of Sacrifice from having to sacrifice time with your beautiful wife and wonderful children, as well as time for yourself, in order to serve. You regularly minister to our souls on Sunday morning and Tuesday night Bible Study, as well as Monday through Saturday on the Prayer Call. Yet, you also find time to cheer our children on at basketball, football, and soccer games; applaud them at musical performances; and celebrate them at graduations. Not only do you visit your LFCC members in the hospital, but also visit and pray for our extended family members and friends who are battling illnesses. You sacrifice your time by attending homegoing celebrations and memorial services, and by personally comforting the bereaved. In addition, you take time to pray diligently for us, serve the community, and advocate for the church. In spite of your steadfast dedication and commitment, there are those who did not keep their word to support your vision, as well as those who deliberately sought to destroy you. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6: 12). As a result of successfully battling against those fiery darts in God’s strength, you also bear Scars of Betrayal, Scars of Disappointment, and Scars of Spiritual Battle. You continuously share these scars with us through your testimonies of victories, both large and small, to encourage us as we go through our own battles. Pastor T, we thank you for your strength, humility and leadership. You have even washed our feet at past services as Jesus washed His disciples’ feet in an example of true servant leadership. “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is he who sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” (John 13: 14-17). So, Pastor T, on behalf of LFCC’s members and friends, we would like to say thank you for all that you do and THANK YOU for YOUR SCARS. In Christ, Monica Greene-Smalls, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief 3