Loving Life Newsletter Winter/Spring 2018 Winter/Spring 2018 | Page 18



While I was sitting one afternoon , resting after a day of housework , I noticed a houseplant that I had watered the day before . It was a pretty large plant that had many vines extending from its root base . The leaves on the plant were numerous and standing tall , which was not the case the day before . The plants leaves were quite withered , which caught my attention and prompted me to water the plant . I gathered a pitcher of tap water and poured a generous amount down onto the dirt that covered the root base .
To my surprise , the very next day as I sat my eyes were drawn to a droplet of water hanging from one of the leaves . It amazed me so much because that particular leaf was far away from the pot itself and even farther away from the root base . It was hanging almost off of the table , but somehow that little leaf had perked up and was a vibrant color of green . I thought , “ Wow , I just watered that plant yesterday , and today it ’ s overflowing with beauty and moisture .” It had been so well-watered that the little leaf had excess water to spare and a droplet hung from the tip of it , just suspended like a crystal . It was a beautiful sight to behold . Immediately , the Lord spoke John 15:5 to me reminding me that , “ I am the vine ; you are the branches . If you remain in me and I in you , you will bear much fruit ; apart from me you can do nothing .”
It was then that I was able to personally make the connection between that scripture and my life . He also explained that I had not directly watered the little leaf ; it was receiving a continuous watering from its root base . And because the root base was well sourced , so was the little leaf with much more to spare in the form of a water droplet hanging from its tip . Then it hit me , God is my source of overflow , and as long as I remain in him , he will provide for me without me having to strain to do it for myself . That little leaf was not begging the root base for life sustaining watering ; it was simply receiving the benefits of its root source . It was well- watered as a result of being attached to the vine which was attached to the root base .
I ran and grabbed my camera to capture the picture for a pictorial reminder of how I can rest in God ’ s abundant overflow because He is my Well-Watered Vine ( Source ) and in Him , I am a well-watered branch overflowing with His goodness to spare and to share . 10