LOVING LIFE... A Publication of Love Fellowship Christian Center, Inc. OCT/NOV 4.1 | Page 8

Feature Article LFCC’s Scholarship Committee: An Interview with Sister Jonise Stallings by Dr. Monica Greene-Smalls "The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge." Proverbs 18:15 2013 has been a year of growth for the LFCC Scholarship Committee. The ministry hosted the first Annual Scholarship Luncheon in July and successfully raised funds through the Annual Women's Brunch held in October. In the interview that follows with Sister Stallings, we will not only learn about the exciting plans for the upcoming year, but will gain a better understanding of the incredible vision that God has placed within the hearts and minds of the Scholarship Committee. Q) What is your vision for the LFCC Scholarship Committee? What are the ministry’s primary goals? A) Our ministry's Vision is as follows: With a heart like Jesus, to support middle and high school students in their pursuit of postsecondary opportunities so that they may live a life pleasing to God as self-sufficient, confident and productive members of their community. Our Mission has many features, specifically: To mentor, encourage and support college students by maintain [???Y?[\???[][?X?][??]??Y?B??Y[?????X????????????[???[][?]HZYK?Y??????Y[??[?Z\?\?[??[??\???\\?H[?\??\?[????X??\?H??[?]Y\??XZ?H?Y[???\?[??]?\?H????\??\??[?]Y\??[??\?H???Y[??K?K\??]?\?[??K]Y[??K?ZY[??H??Y???8?&\?????\??\??]H??[?^?][?[?[??[???YX\?H?X??]?\???????[\??????H?[?H???\??\?[?]Y]??[X??]H[??X???^?HHX???\\?Y[???[?YX]\?Y????????Y?JB???\??[??Z\?\?????X?]?][?????YH?[?[??X[\??\?[??H??[?YX]\?[?H?]\?B?JH?]]?[??\?H[?H[??[????H\??Z[?? ? L?L? M????YX\?JH?H]?H?]?\?[^?][??]?[??[??Y??\?\??Z[??????YX\??^H[??YN????Y?H[??[??????????Y??????Y[??[?\?[???Y?[??[?? ???YZ?[?[????[X?\??H?\?Y\??Z\???[Y?\????\??\[??[?[??X[ZY???????Y?H?\?] ?B?JH?]\?HHZ[?\??x?&\?XZ??X???\\?Y[???]OJH?H[H \?[??X[???\??\[??[?[[??[H ? L???[????Y??????YX]\?[??YH??Y?H?YX]\? ??[?YH?^Y?x?)?B??