LOVING LIFE... A Publication of Love Fellowship Christian Center, Inc. OCT/NOV 4.1 | Page 13
1.Beneficiary Designations:
Make sure the beneficiary designations on your life insurance and investment accounts are current. In some cases, such as a 401k, the designation defaults to a surviving spouse. Whereas other investment vehicles have additional flexibility with regard to naming beneficiaries. In
instances of multiple marriages or a predeceased spouse, this information may not always be current. Depending on the type of account, federal and state laws may supersede the terms listed in your Will.
2. Durable Power of Attorney (Living Will):
This document exercises your intentions with regard to your finances and your health in the event that you become
incapacitated and are no longer able to make those decisions on your own.
3. Last Will and Testament:
This document outlines what will happen to your possessions when you die. Generally, a Will also allows for a
smoother transfer of your property after death. If you do not have a Will, your prope