LOVING LIFE... A Publication of Love Fellowship Christian Center, Inc. OCT/NOV 4.1 | Page 10

You want them coming to you for advice versus people or friends who may not have their best interest at heart. As the parent or guardian, you must continually stress the importance of being a hard worker and never giving up. Continue to send the message that you believe in them, and don’t hesitate to correct bad behavior and attitudes. Doing so can only help them become better champions for the Lord and respect for the others. Remember to focus more on their strengths and capabilities. This will help to build their selfconfidence and commitment for a more prosperous life. Finally, always help your children when they struggle; they can only get better knowing that you are behind them all of way. Q) Which strengths have you observed among the youth at LFCC? A) The LFCC youth have wonderful attitudes and are blessed with many gifts and talents. They are very respectful and always willing to help when they are asked. They are loveable and pleasant to be around. Q) In what ways can LFCC members and friends support this important ministry? A) It is critical that members and friends of LFCC participate in the workshops/programs that we sponsor throughout the year. They can assist the committee in securing donations of gifts such as computers, printers, TV’s, microwaves, refrigerators and bedding, in order to give to our college-bound students a great start. They can attend the Annual Scholarship Luncheon each year, held in honor of the high school and college graduates. In addition, they can support the Annual Women's Brunch; the LFCC Women's Ministry donates a percentage of the proceeds from that event to the Scholarship Committee. Dr. Monica Greene-Smalls