Love U Magazine Power Issue, 2017 | Page 61

Marie Forleo: B-School T his queen CEO’s motto is, “everything is figureoutable.” Her mission and passion is to empower people from cultures around the world to start their own business, not as a mechanism for material success (although that tends to be a happy byproduct!), but as a way to “live your best life” and provide the world with that “special gift only you have.” Last year, she was featured on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday and has grown her brand to that level with radical authenticity and unrelenting work ethic. Her online course for modern entrepreneurs, B-school, walks participants through everything they need to learn to make their own difference in the world while making their living doing so. your way through the patriarchal ranks of a large corporation to be a CEO. You can; and if you want to, you must. However, are thousands of inspiring women running their own companies that support themselves and their families all while pursuing something they’re passionate about. Here are five women CEOs that’ll make you say “I can do that too.” W hen I began researching women CEOs for this article, the first (and very obvious) query I typed into Google was "women CEOs." The first barometer of a CEO’s success is how much money their company is worth. All told, there are 21 CEOs on the Fortune 500 list (2016) that are women, with a largely white majority. While there should absolutely be more women in boardrooms across the world, it would be a travesty to base the success of a businesswoman off of a list made for a patriarchal, capitalist society. That list of 21 women doesn’t show the thousands of female business owners making both money and a positive difference in the world. Yet as I scrolled through the results for my “women CEOs” query, the headlines merely stated how hard, rare, and unfair it is for women executives and CEOs. I don’t doubt that it’s damn hard, but the rhetoric surrounding a simple query seemed to say “don’t even bother trying.” “Female CEOs, Still a Rarity, Face Extra Pressures,” read The Wall Street Journal. “Why Most Women Will Never Become CEO,” read the Forbes headline. There are thousands of women who are self-starters. Women who had an idea, figured it out as they went along, and followed through until their idea became a profitable business. You don’t have to climb