cryptic messages embossed on your face, with the key
seemingly out of reach. imitating the previous lines, you
mask your own righteous, indignant, pedantic self with hu-
mor and sharp edges. you know exactly what your doing.
transparency was our strength and weakness until you stripped
away of its veil. you say what you don’t mean, feel what you say
you don’t feel, yet I can see right through you and you don’t like it.
that’s false, I’m glad it’s only a distant memory.
kind eyes that cut through glass if you let it, i hate you.
strength derives from your ability to love. that’s what I believe.
don’t let your thoughts linger and circle until it shrouds you in
darkness. all the concoctions in your mind poisons and rots your
brain because it’s naivety questions everything in this world.
perfection. you expect perfection yet you hardly give it
time. ambitious, yes. smart, yes. i will never say a nega-
tive word about you. that’s not something you deserve.
how you make me feel is like out of control vines chasing each
other til one breaks free. you broke free of me while i am still en-
tangled in the same dark vine that you entrapped me in. i want
to get out. the lures of sweet scents betrayed me in the end.
T H A T ’ S