Love Commands
Love is the greatest wonder of this universe . Love Commands Review It unfolds the real meanings in life . Once you fall in love , all you can see around is beautiful . You become more appreciative of the world around you . Fear never bother you . Rather , you see hope in every terrible situation . You feel in crowd , when alone and alone , when in crowd . You laugh and weep for no reason . Love is another life in this life and another universe in this universe .
Sight of the beloved is greater than whole the universe . Face of the beloved becomes the center of all your prayers . It shows you the beauty in every situation , every season and every climate . It gives the freedom from time and space . When in love , you are everywhere and whole the universe is like an open book for you to recite .
A lover shifts from oneness to multitude and multitude to oneness . Love is the ability to cover millions of distances in just one blink of an eye . An ocean shrinks into a drop and a drop expands into an ocean . You start listening to your heart , and heart can hear every whisper in the universe , as universe synchronizes with your heart beat . Pain and death do not frighten you anymore . http :// lovecommandsprogramreview . com /