Love a Happy Ending Lifestyle Magazine August 2013 | Page 50

SPORT - SUE MOORCROFT TALKS F1 Fast cars going round in circles… right? Sometimes when I witter on Twitter about my love of Formula 1 racing I get reactions such as ‘Huh? You’re talking about fast cars going round in circles all afternoon, right?’ Right, that’s what I talk about a lot. I even have a column at where you can find me after most races airing my opinion on that day’s action. I love the excitement, the thrills and spills, the strategy and the bravery of the racing. And, OK, to be honest, the noise of a fast car makes my hair stand on end. Here are my crib notes on the elements of Formula 1: FORMULA 1 – a category of circuit racing for motor cars at the p [??X?H?[???? ? Y\¸?$??\??\??]??\??[?[??\??\?[Y?\?????B??P?T?8?$?\??[??[?HXX??X\??[??\?[?\??[?Y\?\??[?H?? ???[??Y\???\]H?H??HYY?H??][H H?[[?\??X?]\?H?H?]?[?YH]?[???YB?[???YHH??][H H?\??\? [?Y???YH]?H?Y[??????XZ??X?[?B?[??]?[?YK?B?PST?8?$???\][??Y?Z[??XX??\???H??????X????&H?[\[??\[?B????]?\???&H?[\[??\ ?\?X[K?]??[?^\??Y?X?[??X\??]?H?????[?B??