Love a Happy Ending Lifestyle Magazine August 2013 | Page 47
I have spent some time in perpetually warm places. I grew up in southern California, which
never gets too cold in winter and where snow is a concept that many people have never
even seen. I’ve lived in Hawaii and spent periods of time in Thailand and Australia.
One thing that I have learned by living in these perpetually warm places is that one can
begin to take it all for granted. After a while, it can become hard to appreciate idyllic days,
one after the other. It is only by suffering through the depths of a cold, dark winter that one
can fully enjoy a sunny summer day.
I know that many readers of Loveahappyending Lifestyle come from places in the U.K.
Others live in the American Midwest or Northeastern corridor. Wherever you happen to
come from there is a good chance that you have recently suffered through a cold dark
winter. Well, it is time to rejoice! Summer is here! Time to get on out there and go for a hike
in the hills, or wander through a nearby park to enjoy the flowers, or maybe even plant your
own. Time to go for a bike ride or maybe enjoy a meal outside. And if it is raining? Fear not,
for sunshine is surely just around the corner. For those of you reading this in the southern
hemisphere rest assured that your suffering will be rewarded in time! That’s just part of the
beauty of living on planet earth. Now if you don’t mind, my mountain bike is sitting in the
corner looking far too lonely. I think it’s time for me to get on out there myself and make the
most of this lovely summer day!
Brought to you by: Kenneth Rosenberg
Twitter: @IndieNovelist FB: Kenneth Rosenberg