Love a Happy Ending Lifestyle Magazine August 2013 | Page 45
As summer is in full swing across the northern
hemisphere I hope that Loveahappyending Lifestyle
Magazine readers are getting out there and enjoying the
long days and warmer weather! For me, summer has
always been my favorite time of the year.
When I was a kid, perhaps eight years old, I got a children’s
calendar for Christmas that had a sheet of stickers you could put on different days and
months of the year. There was picture of a cake with candles for your birthday. For Easter
there was a colored egg sticker. A firecracker was for Independence Day. And then there
was a sticker that said, “My Favorite Month!” I had no hesitations in deciding where to stick
this one. I opened the calendar right up and pasted it on the 1st of July.
Over the years I’ve spent seven seasons working as a chairlift operator, photographer and
ski and snowboarding instructor at ski resorts in the U.S. Many of my instructor colleagues
live for the snow and winter weather. They spend a season working northern hemisphere
resorts, and as soon as it is over they hop on planes and head to the southern hemisphere
to do it all over again. Sometimes they might take one week off in Hawaii for a quick blast of
warm weather, but then they are right back into winter, for years on end. I can hardly
imagine a life like that.