On October 8th, 2016 Trey Parker and Jackie
"Firefly" Hower got married at the Louisiana Mudfest
in Colfax. When we started this magazine, Firefly
was the very first person to join us, outside of the
founding members. She has been part of our Core
group since our second week of going public. She is
very special to all of us, so of course we were happy
when she met Trey Parker. He is a great guy and they
make a wonderful couple, making it no surprise when
they became engaged.
Trey and Firefly are both diehard
motorcyclists, as you can tell by the La Famille RC
back patches, and they decided to have a real biker
wedding. Jackie was already working on Louisiana
Mudfest, which was a big event on it's own, so having
their wedding there made it extra special. Trey's dad,
Larry Parker, presided over the wedding, which was
held on the stage where the band DV8 would later
After the ceremony, rather than throwing the
bouquet, Jackie walked it over to Lindsay Owens, and
Robert Bennett surprised her with an engagement
ring, very cool indeed.
After the celebrations at the Louisiana Mudfest
facility and then The Infidels' clubhouse, the Parkers
took off for a honeymoon in Puerto Rico.
Photos by Stacey "Snoopy" Conly