Lousiana Biker Magazine Louisiana Biker Magazine Jul2016 | Page 20

La Famille

Story By : Mama S
Pictures Sent In By : LFRC On March 27th of this year , after almost a year of working and pushing , Twitch and his Co-Founder Yankee , brought La Famille Riding Club to the CoC and were approved .
They both started in other MCs , but realized that they just didn ’ t have the time to put into the Club family that they felt was needed . Some time after they both resigned , they got together and started talking about forming an RC that would be “ truly family first ”.
“ If you tell me you ’ ve got your kids or you have to work , then that ’ s that ; No questions ”, Twitch said .
Once a month LFRC has a Family Day where members bring their families for a day of togetherness and food and games for the kids ( and adults too I ’ m betting !).
They aren ’ t a " Christian Club " but hold the same basic values . “ We live by three basic principals ; Family , Love , and Respect . As long as you share our values , you can ride with us , no matter what you ride .”
La Famille has also started doing something pretty amazing that some of our readers may have heard about at the last CoC & i meeting . Once a month , they go down to Manna House in Alexandria where they serve food and do whatever else they can to help while they ’ re there . “ We want to focus on the community . Show our local community that bikers aren ’ t all that bad and we ’ re here to help ”. Manna House is set up to feed and clothe the homeless of the area , and they ’ re always open to donations . LFRC has taken it upon themselves to make it their mission to collect donations for Manna . If you ’ ve got clothing ( any and every size needed ) or new hygiene items you would like to donate , you can drop them off with Twitch at Renegade Harley in Alexandria .