Lounger Magazine SD | Page 17

VINTNERS GI A NNI BUONOMO THE WINEMAKER WHO IS KEITH ROLLE Before completing his degree in Enology and Viticulture in GIANNI BUONOMO? Walla Walla WA, his undergraduate studies were at the University of Minnesota and the University of MinnesotaDuluth. He went on to graduate school at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN. Keith studied French at the prestigious Alliance Française in Paris, France and Spanish at the International Spanish Institute in Mexico before founding his own Spanish immersion college in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Gianni Buonomo comes from a village northwest of Torino at the foot of the Italian Alps in the province of Piemonte. A well groomed Italian gentleman of yesteryear, Gianni carries himself with an elegant flair and a noble sense of style. When in the public eye, he’s always dressed well, but never over the top. Gianni is a humble yet engaging man who’s kind and confident manner express a sense of old-world style, sophistication and distinction. In Italian, “buon uomo” means “good man.” Gianni is “beneducato” – that is, well mannered. He is the consummate gentleman. Like many Italians, Gianni is passionate about food and passionate about wine. Is Gianni Buonomo a real person? Perhaps he was….or is. Any well groomed, smartly dressed gentleman can be like Gianni Buonomo. They can look like Gianni Buonomo and they can act like Gianni Buonomo. What is the history of Gianni Buonomo? My father, like Gianni Buonomo, was Piemontese. When I was a boy, all dressed-up and ready for church on Sunday morning, my father would proudly beam, “Ah, that’s my boy! You look just like Gianni Buonomo!” I wasn’t quite exactly sure what that meant at the time. All I knew was that Dad was really proud and it was a really good thing to look like Gianni Buonomo CONTINUED As the years went by my father would point out people in public that looked like Gianni Buonomo. “Look at that Gianni Buonomo over there,” he’d say Actually, my father was a bit of a Gianni Buonomo himself. . With very little training, anyone can spot a Gianni Buonomo. With a bit more effort anyone can be a Gianni Buonomo. Gianni Buonomo wines are crafted to express the same elegance, distinction and sophistication as the man himself. www.gbvintners.com Tasting Room Location 4836 Newport Ave San Diego, CA 92107