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experts working with our program , and the Louisville Lectures leadership team prior to publication . The aim is to ensure that we are not only publishing a needed topic , but that the content is current and as accurate as possible . When a lecture becomes “ out of date ” there is even a process that replaces it with an updated version to maintain the standards we have set for ourselves .
Online resources are unlikely to disappear and are likely to continue growing both in number and quality . We know they are engaging learners and we have data suggesting this engagement leads to retention and better educational outcomes . One concern often raised with implementing these tools is that learners will sacrifice in-person learning opportunities for the noted convenience of asynchronous offerings . 21 , 22 The data for learner attitudes and behavior , however , is mixed and has never been studied at the resident level . 21 , 22 Our preliminary findings , presented at the 2016 Kentucky ACP Meeting , suggest there is no statistically significant effect on attendance , and that residents use these lectures to supplement their learning . 12
Fifteen years ago , there was no such thing as FOAM . It would have been laughable to talk about using the internet as a pillar of medical education . Fifteen years ago , it was inconceivable that the audience of a faculty member ’ s lectures could fill a football stadium . 23 , 24 Even today , it is considered shocking news that an allopathic medical school is completely removing its traditional lecture format in favor of this new , evidence based approach . I won ’ t pretend that I know what will develop in the next 15 years , but I will invite you to join us in building it .
Dr . Burk is the Chief Medical Resident for the University of Louisville Division of Internal Medicine as well as Founder and Managing Director of LouisvilleLectures . org .
References :
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2 . Shaw G . Breaking News : Don ' t Call It Social Media : FOAM and the Future of Medical Education . Emergency Medicine News . 2013 ; 35 . doi : 10.1097 / 01 . EEM . 0000427050.81739 . a1 .
3 . Pearson D , Cooney R , Bond MC . Recommendations from the Council of Residency Directors ( CORD ) Social Media Committee on the Role of Social Media in Residency Education and Strategies on Implementation . The western journal of emergency medicine . 2015 ; 16:510-515 . doi : 10.5811 / westjem . 2015.5.25478 .
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6 . FOAM / FOAMed - Free Open Access Medical Education . http :// lifeinthefastlane . com / foam /. Published May 24 , 2016 . Accessed May 24 , 2016 .
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FOAMed Meets Internal Medicine Residency .
21 . Maynor LM , Barrickman AL , Stamatakis MK , Elliott DP . Student and faculty perceptions of lecture recording in a doctor of pharmacy curriculum . American journal of pharmaceutical education . 2013 ; 77 . http :// www . ncbi . nlm . nih . gov / pubmed / 24159206 . Accessed October 14 , 2013 .
22 . Owston R , Lupshenyuk D , Wideman H . Lecture capture in large undergraduate classes : Student perceptions and academic performance . The Internet and Higher Education . 2011 ; 14 . doi : 10.1016 / j . iheduc . 2011.05.006 .
23 . Blubrry Statistics - Program Statistics . https :// stats . blubrry . com / stats / s-22662 /. Published October 3 , 2016 . Accessed October 3 , 2016 .
24 . Analytics - YouTube . https :// www . youtube . com / analytics ? o = U . Published October 3 , 2016 . Accessed October 3 , 2016 .