on health care in the world per capita mean that the U . S . is number one in the health for its citizens ? The 2022 data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) showed that in spite of the large differences in spending on health care as compared to other wealthy countries , the U . S . performs worse in several key health metrics . For example , life expectancy in the U . S . at birth was 77 years in 2020 as compared to other wealthy countries was 81years . Infant and maternal death rates were the highest in the U . S . among developed nations . Death rates from physical assault to include gun violence was the highest and death from suicide was exceeded only by Japan and South Korea . The U . S . had among the highest rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes , heart disease , hypertension and obesity was double the average . Despite higher health care spending , ( from the metrics listed ), America ’ s health outcomes are not better than other industrialized countries .
Where do we go from here ? Patients in the U . S . expect the best health care . However , 26 million people in the U . S . are uninsured and the average out-of-pocket expense for an individual is over $ 1,200 per year . We must also consider that patients often experience other barriers to maintaining good health . This includes transportation issues , lack of insurance , food access , housing instability , language needs , quality education , etc . Expanding preventive health care and wellness programs can be a possible solution to promoting good health , thus , preventing serious and expensive medical treatments and decreasing health care costs .
What can we do as physicians ? We can become involved in organized medicine by paying dues and becoming more active in our physician-led organizations to include the AMA ( American Medical Association ), NMA ( National Medical Association ), KMA ( Kentucky Medical Association ), GLMS ( Greater Louisville Medical Society ) and other specialty societies . These organizations advocate for the medical profession and patient health care . Finally , it is imperative we continue to work with our legislators , governments and courts to make and enforce health care laws and policies for all citizens to have affordable and quality health care .
Dr . Hargett is a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician in private practice .
January 2025 5