Louisville Medicine Volume 72, Issue 5 | Page 39

gree water ) “ just to say we did it .” She ’ s also done Flathead Lake in Montana and hopes to add a Lake Tahoe open water marathon to the list soon . Training for her most recent Ironman this August – she ’ s done 16 half Ironman races and 3 full Ironman races – she found herself coming out of the Ohio River with her suit covered in toxic algae blooms . So far as rest , just a couple of days off training will do the trick , she said .
While they haven ’ t joined her in the river just yet , her three kids are all athletes as well . Her oldest is Calvin , a freshman at DeSales High School . He ’ s into volleyball and is also a great runner and pianist . Her daughter Maggie just started 7 th grade , and she likes to draw and paint and has even gotten Dr . Brey into crocheting . She ’ s also the most passionate of the three about swimming , doing club swim year-round . Her youngest is John in 3 rd grade , their “ brilliant ball of energy .” His curious nature knows no bounds , and he ’ s an expert on everything related to dinosaurs .
With everyone constantly going in different directions , the family needs something to keep them all tied together and cohesive – that bungee cord is Dr . Brey ’ s husband , Darren . He got his PhD in bioengineering from the University of Pennsylvania then worked in biomedical engineering for Medtronic for a bit . Once they moved back to Louisville , he ’ s mostly stayed home to help with the kids but has also done some teaching at his alma mater , Speed School . Just as Dr . Brey is at high school football games in the fall , so is Darren . He ’ s involved in football refereeing and occasionally they ’ ve worked games together . With the love for sports and the outdoors strong
( photos left to right ) Dr . Brey ( far left ) and teammates on the boat back to England ; Dr . Brey and Darren at Oaks 2023 ; Dr . Brey , children Maggie , Calvin and John , and husband Darren at Zion National Park , 2022 .
among the whole family , it ’ s no surprise that they enjoy attending UofL sports and visiting national parks .
While time with family is the top of her list , she has a strong focus on her career , and Dr . Brey hopes to continue to grow her skills over the next several years as technology and research evolve . They recently moved into the Norton Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Clinic in Westport in April and they hope to continue to welcome new patients and people to the practice .
“ When I started , I was the only full-time pediatric sports medicine doc in Kentucky , and now just in our practice , we have two surgeons who really concentrate on sports , with three PAs to help us . We hope to get a lot of new faces in our clinic so that we can help even more people in Louisville and Kentucky . We truly live by our motto of ‘ any athlete , any age .’”
Kathryn Vance is the Communications and Event Coordinator at the Greater Louisville Medical Society .