Louisville Medicine Volume 72, Issue 3 | Page 23

Jump Off


In a different life , I would trade the smell of antiseptic for manure , the rhythmic beeping machines for neighing , and my scrubs for a show coat and leather boots . In this alternate universe , I would be a professional showjumping horse rider and trainer . The discipline of showjumping is where a horse and rider pair must jump cleanly over a course of obstacles , under a maximum of time . They are penalized for knocking over a jump or exceeding the allotted time . Then , all the riders that rode clear , without any penalties , must participate in a jump-off to determine placings . For this , the goal is to complete the course as fast as possible without accruing any penalties . At the highest level , 5-star Grand Prix , horse and rider must clear jumps set at 1.60 meters . The prizes for winning these competitions can reach well over a million dollars . Competitions range from championship tours to the Olympic games . However , competing in arenas around the globe only makes up a fraction of my alternate life .

As a professional showjumper rider , I have to juggle many roles – trainer , teacher , manager and broker . I would train horses , both for myself and clients . Training horses is a powerful privilege , as an incorrect rider could ruin a horse ’ s entire career . Sometimes , I would ride horses who have just seen a jump for the first time , and other times , I would ride horses that are preparing for their Grand Prix debut . Each horse requires its own unique approach to training . After all , they are living , breathing animals that can be unpredictable . Each has its own personality and quirks that vary day by day .
As a teacher , or coach , I would teach up-and-coming students who aspire to become professionals in the sport one day . I would teach them to navigate all varieties of obstacles . I ’ d improve their riding technique . I ’ d teach them to communicate with all different horses effectively . As complex as horse riding can be , it essentially boils down to positional self-awareness . The horse senses every part
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