Louisville Medicine Volume 71, Issue 7 | Page 11


Changes in Medicine : A 40-Year Perspective


Change is inevitable and change in medicine is no different than other professions , especially when you have been working in the field for decades . I recently had the opportunity to interview my parents regarding changes in medicine . Dr . Voltaire Briones and Dr . Fe Briones have been actively practicing medicine for over 40 years . My father , also known as Dr . B to his patients and staff , is a practicing internist for UofL Health in the south end of Louisville . My mom , whom we will call Dr . Fe , is both a physician administrator and practicing family medicine physician for Park DuValle Community Health Center . The combined 80 years ’ experience between my parents allowed for an enlightening interview about their perspectives on the changes they have seen in medicine over the past 40 years . The following are excerpts from my interview with them .

DR . VAL : In what ways have you seen health care change throughout your career ?
DR . B : Well , the evolution of EMR , the electronic medical record [ has been a big change ]. That ’ s the thing I most hate , but it helps .
It does delay a lot of things that you have to do for the patient . Instead of giving quality medical care , I have to rush at times because they have to time you and give you enough time to talk on the electronic medical recording . In reality , it cuts the quality of time for patient care .
DR . FE : It ’ s almost the same thing [ for me ]. The problem [ that I have ] is that , nowadays , when you are going to see a patient , they would usually give you enough time to see the patient whether it ’ s 30 minutes or 15 minutes . Usually , 15 minutes is for a follow-up , but nevertheless , you spend time examining the patient and getting the necessary information , use all the data , put it together and then go to the EMR . I spend more time putting it all in the computer than I spend with my patients . That seems to be a big dilemma for me as well as for a lot of practitioners that have been practicing a long time because we ’ re used to having a close patient-doctor relationship when you see your patient and do everything when they are there [ in your clinic ]. Your time is for them . Nowadays , things have changed . This is the modern thing now , and we have to abide with that and move on .
DR . VAL : What are the top innovations in medicine since you ’ ve been practicing ?
( continued on page 10 ) December 2023 9