Louisville Medicine Volume 71, Issue 6 | Page 24

GLMS Members Honored at Gold Standard of Optimal Aging Ceremony

Thirty-seven men and women were honored on Sept . 22 , 2023 , at the 12th annual Gold Standard of Optimal Aging ceremony and among them were three GLMS members . This is an Optimal Aging Month signature event organized each year by the University of Louisville Trager Institute / Republic Bank Foundation Optimal Aging Clinic to create an age-friendly culture in our community . The ceremony celebrates older adults , aged 85 years and over , who lead engaged and flourishing lives and inspire those around them with their zest for life .

This year ’ s honorees included longtime GLMS members Dr . Teresita Bacani-Oropilla , Dr . Maria Manion and Dr . George Webb . Each year , they are asked to complete the sentence : “ As I age , I dare to .” We send our most heartfelt congratulations to all of this year ’ s honorees !
Dr . Teresita Bacani-Oropilla GLMS member since 1977 “ As I age , I dare to continue helping others . Continue using my talents I have left , with patience for my loved ones and those in need of them .” by KATHRYN VANCE
Dr . George Webb GLMS member since 1978
“ As I age , I dare to continue to search for ways that I can contribute and be of service to my community in a positive way as long as I am physically able . Even though the aging process begins to limit our physical powers , there should be other ways we can continue to be an asset to our community . During my life ’ s journey , I have dedicated much time to improving and advancing good end-oflife care . Many of my friends and acquaintances have asked why I continue to pursue this goal because the work is so depressing . I many times agree that you will on occasion grieve along with individuals and families , but in the long term there is a great spiritual and personal satisfaction in knowing that you have helped make this part of life ’ s path smoother and less traumatic for some individuals . So , I will continue to pursue these goals as I continue my own life ’ s path .”
Dr . Maria Manion GLMS member since 1990
“ As I age , I dare to encourage us to cheer the miracle of life as well enjoy the miracle of living . I think that the best way to transmit this joy of living is by simply saying thank you . To your family , to your schoolteachers and professors . To your friends and to your colleagues and more so , which is in my case , to my patients , because they perdure like a soft balm in the remaining path of my existence . To this amazing , incredible country , thanks ! Because she has given us so much since the first time you open your eyes . We tell everyone and loud enough to send echoes over the earth and not to forget that all of this has the blessing of God . And for that , my humble thank you .”
Kathryn Vance is the Communication Specialist at the Greater Louisville Medical Society .