Louisville Medicine Volume 71, Issue 6 | Page 13

Who , in their right mind , thought I deserved to be in this company ?, I thought . I barely said a word for the first day or two , but slowly , I began to realize that I wasn ’ t the only person thinking this , and that , maybe , just maybe , I deserved to be there , and I needed to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to learn and grow . Overcoming imposter syndrome requires a change in mindset about your own abilities , realizing that you do belong in the august company you are keeping . You must understand that you have worked hard and are worthy of your achievements . Many of us who suffer from imposter syndrome tend to be perfectionists , so when , invariably , an accomplishment isn ’ t perfect , we may perceive it as a failure .
This labeling of “ not quite perfect ” as “ failure ” is where we need to adjust our thinking . We must realize that the quest for perfection isn ’ t the holy grail , but , in fact , is the barrier that slows our growth and keeps us in the mindset of “ not good enough .” Instead , I suggest we learn to accept that our “ good enough ” is , in fact , “ great ” and move on from there . I realize that this is easier said than done and one way to think about it is by thinking outside the box or stepping outside our comfort zone .
We hear about how important it is , as a doctor , as a leader , as a human , to think outside the box . But what does that really mean ? It may mean different things . When considering change , we need to consider our culture , our people and our environment , because no two boxes are the same . Over the years , as a leader , I have helped make “ outside the box ” changes at many levels creating new learning environments , more modern cultures or challenging goals to take the department on completely different pathways . But when I think back on my own career , thinking outside the box has had a more personal meaning . I needed to think outside the box I had built around myself and the limits I had created by thinking I was not capable of more . That box truly needed to be torn down to open up new horizons that I never imagined for myself , for my team or for the community in which I worked . So the next time someone says to you , “ I think you should consider this new role ,” consider tearing down that box you have built around yourself , opening your eyes to a new horizon and saying yes . Yes , I can ! Yes , I am qualified ! Yes , I deserve it ! And most importantly , yes , I will !
Dr . Boland is Chair of Pediatrics , University of Louisville School of Medicine and Chief of Staff , Norton Children ’ s Hospital .
November 2023 11