Louisville Medicine Volume 71, Issue 12 | Page 6


Gratitude For a Year of Good Fortune

WOW ! This will be my last submission as President of the Greater Louisville Medical Society . Beginning June 1st , our President will be Dr . Lewis Hargett , who also embraces the need to advocate for our patients and for each other . With empowerment as a focus , my hope is that we can keep building a supportive community among ourselves , our patients , family and friends .

We need a community that provides the scaffolding of support and the necessary building blocks to assist us moving from “ I think I can ” to “ I know I can .” Overcoming obstacles is easier with the safety net provided by colleagues , family and friends . We all need a safety net to achieve success in our work environment . Whether the obstacles are large or small , as physicians we benefit from the support of knowing the scaffolding will prevent us from falling . The building blocks will allow us to achieve our goals as we develop resiliency in the process . We are the scaffolding and the building blocks !
As we embrace the support of our community , we can explore more of the goals we strive to achieve . And for me , the goals center around advocacy . Many of us are aware of what makes us happy , and many are still searching for what truly provides happiness . My happiness is centered in advocating for my patients , colleagues , family and friends . The GLMS Presidency has provided me with the good fortune to advocate for our many physician members . I encourage you to consider becoming more engaged in GLMS leadership positions , allowing you to also advocate for our members .
What else makes me happy ? Consider the act of paying it forward by providing random acts of kindness . This may be an initial step in determining what provides you with joy and what confers happiness . While not everyone will bake cupcakes to share , a random gift of a cup of coffee , a listening ear or a well-deserved thank-you can lead to individual happiness . Remember that supporting others by creating happiness can make you feel more valuable .
As physicians , we can change our behavior as we navigate our peers , our staff and our patients . We successfully change our demeanor to examine the rambunctious toddler , the suspicious adolescent and the delightful elderly patient . Our demeanor also reflects the news as we deliver joyous life changes
4 LOUISVILLE MEDICINE as well as devasting test results . We have the power to change and how we modify our demeanor can reflect how we build a community of compassion and dedication . We may be stepping outside our comfort zone , but those steps allow us to provide a family with joy , reassurance and overall hope .
All these steps of building a community by providing scaffolding and building blocks are reflected in the decisions we make : powerful decisions that are thoughtful , precise and built from experience and facts . Reaching our desired outcomes reinforces both the process of deciding , and the actual decision . And remember the importance of regret : it offers us the ability to gain knowledge that can be utilized in the next decision iteration . It helps to build resiliency .
For me , this past year has had a very simple theme . I return to asking each of us to advocate for each other in building a diverse community , supporting others as they face many challenges , providing strength and comfort . I would ask that you embrace helping others by viewing it not as a burden , but instead as an opportunity to intentionally empower others .
I would like to end my Presidency at GLMS by sharing my gratitude for every member that I have personally encountered and those whom I have not . There are so many examples of physicians who have sacrificed , who have reached beyond their perceived limits to achieve personal success , who have supported their peers by providing mentoring and friendship . And I offer my sincere gratitude to Bert Guinn , Executive Vice President / CEO of GLMS , who has created a community of advocacy and support for all GLMS members .
Dr . Purcell currently serves as the District IV Chair for the American Academy of Pediatrics .