years under my belt and was fortunate to have enough time saved up to where I was able to take 12 weeks with pay . I also saved up enough time to take off for those important child wellness and immunization appointments . Many of my colleagues , however , didn ’ t have that advantage . It ’ s hard to imagine not having the time off I did because it aided in my recovery from my Cesarean delivery and allowed me to exclusively nurse . I ’ m honestly not sure that I would have been successful in breastfeeding otherwise . My time off also gave me time to bond with Katie , soak in those newborn snuggles and adjust to my new role of being a mom .
Despite all the joy I felt from having Katie , I remember those early days were challenging , especially while my husband was at work . His job had no parental leave policy , so as soon as we were home from the hospital on Saturday , he was off to work that Monday . Not only was he unable to help me heal from a major surgery , but he also missed out on major milestone moments with our baby and early bonding that he can never get back .
Being a mom myself , I knew a change needed to be made . Through my work , I also learned that Kentucky has one of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in the country , which fueled my passion to help advocate for Louisville Metro Government to offer 12 weeks of paid parental leave .
In April of 2021 , Louisville Metro Council unanimously passed LMG ’ s Paid Parental Leave policy ( PPL ). The policy provides LMG employees up to 12 weeks of paid leave for those who have a child through birth or adoption . Employees of any gender are eligible if they have worked at least 1,250 hours over the previous year or have been employed with the city for at least 12 months .
We knew investing in our employees would have benefits , but to have a deeper understanding , we created a survey that was sent to more than 280 PPL recipients who applied from the start of the program in July 2021 through Sept . 8 , 2022 . Over 60 people responded , and the initial analysis of the PPL policy was positive among employees and supervisors .
According to the report , recipients said the PPL policy allowed for more time and opportunity for :
» Forming secure attachment bonds between child and parent » Physical recovery from childbirth » Supporting birth parent recovery » Reducing stress » Facilitating the use of breastmilk for feeding » Adjusting to new patterns / learning new skills » Attending medical appointments » Financial stability
Key findings of the report include :
» PPL nearly doubles the average amount of parental leave taken by Metro employees from eight weeks to 15 weeks , increasing positive impacts on health and wellness . » PPL reduces financial stressors and preserves paid sick and vacation time .
• Reduces the household financial stress of having to take unpaid time off when a new child arrives .
• Preserves sick and vacation leave for their intended uses .
• Lessens the stress of trying to save up sufficient paid time off ( PTO ) in anticipation of the new child .
Matt Vanderpool , an environmental health specialist at Public Health and Wellness and parent to five children , noted that prior to having the benefit of paid parental leave he was unable to take time off when he and his wife brought a new child home . He said Louisville Metro ’ s Paid Parental Leave policy made all the difference after having their last child .
“ I not only had time to bond with my baby in those first formative months , but was also better able to support my whole family ,” said Vanderpool . “ Parental leave helped our family financially by deferring expensive childcare costs and allowing my wife to return to her career while I was on leave . Having experienced it , parental leave is a necessary benefit for all employees to help align work / home balance . I feel I am a better parent and employee because of being able to take parental leave .”
To date , I have not received any complaints from LMPHW supervisors or employees about having to cover for someone who
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